This is how the donaton station works.You give $40 or over in blockland money (^givemoney 40 Visiontech or Snk12) to
Visiontech or Snk12,they put it in the donation "bin" and they put your name in the, Whos donated? box.Then you get a prize
know to be from $5000 to $20000 in blockland money! if your the donator of the day you are put on this website.
Donator of the day: Monday: Legojak
Tuesday: MattAust
people who have joined snk 12 city rp-M4-16,KillAll,HitMan,Visiontech,snk12,techie akbar,littlebearr,Legojak,samsonizor,and
Visitors of the day-M4-16.littlebearr,MattAusy
People who have donated-K1illa,legojak,killAll M4-16,akbar,techie,Mattaust,littlebearr,visiontech,and others